
Tuesday, 11 December 2018

China no longer accepting plastics from other countries

The world has a big problem. China announced that they will no longer be accepting plastics for recycling. Since January 2018, China had stopped accepting from other countries. This is because it causes them contamination problems. Unfortunately, this will have a great impact on countries who use to give their recycling to China because no one will accept their plastic.

China stopped accepting plastics. Significantly, the plastic that China received from other countries has not been properly cleaned or mixed with unrecyclable material. For this reason, China announces “For the protection of the environment and people’s health” and therefore stopped accepting plastics because of contamination problems. This is important because people need to know what really happens to our plastic and who is being affected by our actions and now NZ has to take responsibility for our plastics.

China not accepting plastic has been a massive problem to our country and others who used to give their plastics to China. Unfortunately, stockpiles of recycling have been stuck at Huntly MetroWaste. At one point, there was 400tonnes of plastic. Also in New Zealand, 150 tonnes of plastic ignited and burned down at the Smart Environmental recycling plant near Thames. If we don’t stop using single-use plastic we will have to deal with 111MT of additional plastics by 2030. This is significantly important to know because we have to be aware of the consequences of single-use plastics.

We need to stop using single-use plastic bags now or else we will be in deep problems in the future. This is because China has stopped accepting plastics from anyone. Why? Because of the contamination problems that are caused by plastics. This can also happen to us if we don’t put a stop on single-use plastic bags. But how? Wherelse are we going to put them after use? Recycling bin right. But do they really get recycled? Currently, there are tons of plastic stuck in our waste stations and the pile just keeps adding up which will eventually lead to contamination problems.

1 comment:

  1. Kumusta Andrew,

    This is an outstanding blog post, and report that you made. You've made a report that had full of evidence and problems. This report is very important because it's a problem for the whole world. I like the way you add a picture with full of recycling to make it eye-catchy. The vocabulary that you used is very strong and powerful to your report and it makes it more interesting, and the facts that you add. It's very cool that you add questions to your report and answering it to solve the problem.

    It's very sad that New Zealand has so much plastics stuck. This is a real problem for the whole world!


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