
Friday, 13 April 2018


This term I learned about Human rights, Slave trade triangle, Harriet Tubman. Human rights is a right that belongs to everyone and no one can take them away from you, But some government or people with power takes their rights away. One of this right is freedom. Freedom means that you can do whatever you want and no one can stop you. But these people with high power takes people's rights by taking them away from home and forcing them to work and barely letting them have free time. 

The Slave trade triangle was a system that the Africans, Europeans, and Americans used to get what they want. The Europeans traded Guns for the slave to the African Kings. Then they will go to America to trade the slaves for food and other goods. Lastly, the Americans will use the slaves to work for them making cottons and tabbco. 

Harriet Tubman was a brave girl who grew up in slavery. She is known for escaping slavery and helping others escape. She committed to freeing slaves. To escape they used an undermine tunnel to escape and not be seen. They also used signals to let them know who is coming

1 comment:

  1. I really like your formations, I like how you used Alternative words.
    You could add an images next time and use a good title.


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