
Thursday, 16 November 2017


Steps needed to achieve the goal.
What will help us achieve this goal?(Enablers)
Possible barriers and how they could be overcome.
Who is responsible for this step?
Date this step will be achieved by.
We ask the public if they want their fences or walls painted

Or we ask the public if we can remove the graffiti off their walls.
If we can get people from the public to participate in this little project
If we get denied, we could switch plans and ask  if they would like us to remove some graffiti for them.



Steps needed to achieve the goal.
What will help us achieve this goal?(Enablers)
Possible barriers and how they could be overcome.
Who is responsible for this step?
Date this step will be achieved by.
So we first have to ask Mr.sutton to paint the walls
We are going to send him an email asking if we can have a meeting with him
Mr. Sutton will not allow us to paint the walls- we could overcome this by sending surveys to people in the school if they want to have a part of a wall graffitied



Steps needed to achieve the goal.
What will help us achieve this goal?(Enablers)
Possible barriers and how they could be overcome.
Who is responsible for this step?
Date this step will be achieved by.
We need to ask the principal if he can give  us some money from the school funds to get materials
We will write a letter trying to persuade him into lending us some school funds
If the principal rejected us we will overcome this by asking miss clemence for the money



Steps needed to achieve the goal.
What will help us achieve this goal?(Enablers)
Possible barriers and how they could be overcome.
Who is responsible for this step?
Date this step will be achieved by.
We practice it on a paper and we should go to the destination and paint walls
Before the actual day that we paint the walls we should practice doing it on a paper and present it to the principal if he likes it
Mr sutton will not like the graffiti that we’ve done

We can overcome this by making some more graffiti and make him pick one




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