Tuesday, 28 November 2017
P.B.L Third Action Plan
Our third action plan is asking Mrs clemence if we can have some cans of spraypaint that we can use for our Graffiti. But she said that she couldn't give away spraypaint because its way too expensive.
We came up with a plan to buy our own spraypaint and we can make our money back by letting people write their name in the wall but they have to pay $1.00
Monday, 27 November 2017
PBL Second Action Plan
Here are some of the examples that we showed to Mr. Sutton He chose the one at the top because he likes the writing because it is easy to read. .He also likes the colours because they represent joining or combining different communities, nationalities, and different genders.We also had other designs that we didn't put up here because Mr. Sutton said they are unreadable.
He then asks us if we can put some background behind it but we are still thinking about it.
Thursday, 23 November 2017
P.B.L first action plan
On thursday, November 23 we went to the principals office to ask for permission to graffiti the empty walls. The principal like the examples that we did and ask when are we going to do it, we replied next week and we need his suggestions for what are we going to write. We finsihed the first action plan and the 2nd. We are on the 3rd action plan which is collecting and buying the materials we need.
Thursday, 16 November 2017
Steps needed to achieve the goal.
What will help us achieve this goal?(Enablers)
Possible barriers and how they could be overcome.
Who is responsible for this step?
Date this step will be achieved by.
We ask the public if they want their fences or walls painted
Or we ask the public if we can remove the graffiti off their walls.
If we can get people from the public to participate in this little project
If we get denied, we could switch plans and ask if they would like us to remove some graffiti for them.
Steps needed to achieve the goal.
What will help us achieve this goal?(Enablers)
Possible barriers and how they could be overcome.
Who is responsible for this step?
Date this step will be achieved by.
So we first have to ask Mr.sutton to paint the walls
We are going to send him an email asking if we can have a meeting with him
Mr. Sutton will not allow us to paint the walls- we could overcome this by sending surveys to people in the school if they want to have a part of a wall graffitied
Steps needed to achieve the goal.
What will help us achieve this goal?(Enablers)
Possible barriers and how they could be overcome.
Who is responsible for this step?
Date this step will be achieved by.
We need to ask the principal if he can give us some money from the school funds to get materials
We will write a letter trying to persuade him into lending us some school funds
If the principal rejected us we will overcome this by asking miss clemence for the money
Steps needed to achieve the goal.
What will help us achieve this goal?(Enablers)
Possible barriers and how they could be overcome.
Who is responsible for this step?
Date this step will be achieved by.
We practice it on a paper and we should go to the destination and paint walls
Before the actual day that we paint the walls we should practice doing it on a paper and present it to the principal if he likes it
Mr sutton will not like the graffiti that we’ve done
We can overcome this by making some more graffiti and make him pick one
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
Group Name: The Fantastc four
Members: Andrew, Lincoln, Lindley,Vince
Website we've accessed:
Describe the issue:
We have chosen to promote graffiti to help people think differently about graffiti. Everyone thinks that its a bad thing but it means alot to the artist and you have to respect that and let them do what they want. We're going to prove the Graffiti isn't a bad thing.
We decided as a group that we would not go against graffiti and promote it. Our action is we are going to paint on walls that’s not used but we are going to ask permission first before doing it. The best place that we can do is at our school, empty and not used walls and some fences
Showing the community that graffiti can have positive impact . we also show people that do graffiti do their thing freely but they need to ask permission to do it
Monday, 13 November 2017
P.B.L Writing
My first day of P.B.L was pretty fun. I think im going to enjoy it for the rest of the term. I find it really helpful because we get to explore problems that the world is facing. i'm teaming up with Lindley, Vince, and Lincoln. I can't wait to explore deeper. I think this is a good way to end out year. P.B.L will be going onfor 5 weeks which is until the end of the term. Its not boring unless you're not into the topic. We chose our topic wisely because we had to make sure that were into it.The good thing about this is they give you a lot of topic to chose from. It wasn't a waste of time, the time actually went faster which was really cool. The topic that we've chosen as a group is Graffiti. We're going to find out what is Graffiti and How is it affecting the community. I want to explore Graffiti because Graffiti can have helpful measages in them. I think were all going to have a blast working together. I wish we could've done P.B.L when we were a year8 because its so much fun.
Friday, 10 November 2017
Antarctic Discovery
For the last 4 weeks we have been researching about Antartic Discovery. We had fun searching around sites and knowing how they discoverd Antarctica. We finished our presentation well in Antarctica Assesment. But we didn't hit the goal what Mrs.Handley wanted, but its ok because we presented our one and our classmates adored it and were proud of it.
Thursday, 26 October 2017
Persuasive Writing
Ethos, Pathos, and Logos
Ethos, Pathos, and Logos are central to the art of persuasion. They are grouped into many different things based on persuasive language. They appeal to the ethics, emotions and logic part of things in terms of pursuing.
Ethos is a technique to convince or persuade an audience. Ethos is seen in action all the time. For example, politicians use ethical appeals to establish themselves as trustworthy individuals.
Examples of Ethos….
- "As a doctor, I am qualified to tell you that this course of treatment will likely generate the best results."
- "The veterinarian says that an Australian shepherd will be the perfect match for our active lifestyle."
These refer to an individual showing the credibility it has to showcase their characteristic images
Pathos appeals to your audience’s emotions or imaginations. It's the enthusiasm that gets them fired up about some cause these appeals rouse feelings of fear, pity, anger etc.
Examples of Pathos….
- "If we don’t move soon, we’re all going to die! Can’t you see how dangerous it would be to stay?"
- "I’m not just invested in this community – I love every building, every business, every hard-working member of this town."
These examples show how the audience express their emotions and imagination based on your appearance.
Logos aren’t just brand symbols. In the context of rhetoric, logos appeals to an audience’s logic point of view. Logical appeals are common in courtrooms, where evidence is used to support claims.
Examples of Logos….
- "The data is perfectly clear: this investment has consistently turned a profit year-over-year, even in spite of market declines in other areas."
- "History has shown time and again that absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Because this is in the logic part of persuasion, these examples show the evidence it needs to prove its point.
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
C.I.A- Antarctic research
1st day: We discuss what we wanted to research to make sure we are on the same learning track.
2nd day: We wrote down some notes for our slides
2nd day: We wrote down some notes for our slides
Friday, 18 August 2017
Myths and Legend
Witch in a bottle
●Skunks Grab the Witch out of her Castles

This modified skunks savagely tossed her out of the castle.
The witch couldn’t do anything about it because all the skunks
Stood 20ft tall and as wide as five Hornby High School.
There were two skunks holding and thousands of people
Cursing at her
●Evil Witch going to die Loudly cursing
They wish for the witch being
burned alive came true but…….
The witch died loudly cursing at the skunks. The witch took 10 mins to die, but that 10 min was a torture for everyone around the pit Even for people 100 miles away. No one can understand what she was saying but all they Knew is that it's not good for anyone. Everyone was trying to guess what she said but No one can understand.
●unexplained demonic rituals and actions start to happen
Weird demonic actions started to happen (Flames turning green, Clocks bell at 3.00) Stuff started to happen exactly at 3:00 am. Everyone woke up and half of the people were possessed by demonic spirits cursing that the world would end. Finally, people knew what was happening, the witch cursed for everyone to die and the world to end.Tiger called to try and get rid of demonic spirit When the Tiger came everyone thought it was over but the thing they didn’t know is that……
●War between Jesus with his angels against the Witch Gods and evil Spirit.![Image result for cartoon jesus with angels]](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/6fgnXENXB_sjEu5y9OOK_f1O9eKtk_TkMgoxg-9BF0TV9cw9zTSV-qEZyS_kzYRHJR4xfVW09Gn08fY3Krlr-t17_8H-FiJ1k8FV5fFgH7cAaA8WtrVe_50dM6lVxGp7WXqleXnT)
The Witch gods are going to fire back with their special spirits to burn down the church……
But they only burned ¼ of the front of the church because God The one who is merciful has come with his angels.
Tiger and Jesus try to lure witch to a bottle with poisons
Jesus with his angels and the tiger came in and pulled every evil spirit through the bottle but they fought back. No one got seriously hurt but the witch and evil spirit powers drained. They try to call for help but the message won’t reach without powers.
●Time to end the war
Finally, witch got lured in through the bottle
After their power got drained, they try to find sources of energy. Luckily the angels set up fake sources would lead them into the bottle. It took a few hours for the Witches to get the lure into the bottle. Eventually, they all got into the bottle but it started to have cracks because it was too heavy. But they all got thrown into a lava pool. They tried to curse for revenge but all their powers got drained before.
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
Scone Reflection (9th of August)
Next Step
We all contributed to making the Scones.
We made the Scones too big so they didn’t cook in time, they were still a little bit raw
Make our product smaller and probably No arguing.
Friday, 4 August 2017
School Journey Activity
What is the name of the Journal?
When was it published?
Who published it?
Learning Media Limited
What is the name of the story?
Can't a person have a friend
Who wrote the story?
Jane Westaway
Who are the characters in the story?
Polly, Mum (Mrs. Radonovich), Justin, Saha, Dad (Mr. Radonovich), Sister, Brother
What is the story about?
The story is about a girl who met a boy at the bus stop named Justin and the girl told the story of what happened and mum and her other sister were teasing Polly.
This story reminds me of......?
It reminds me of something but I don't want to talk about it cause it hurts me.
I think this is a good/bad story for people my age because....?
I think this is a bad story because they're already talking about a relationship when the focus should be about school.
Can't a person have a friend?
When was it published?
Who published it?
Learning Media Limited
What is the name of the story?
Can't a person have a friend
Who wrote the story?
Jane Westaway
Who are the characters in the story?
Polly, Mum (Mrs. Radonovich), Justin, Saha, Dad (Mr. Radonovich), Sister, Brother
What is the story about?
The story is about a girl who met a boy at the bus stop named Justin and the girl told the story of what happened and mum and her other sister were teasing Polly.
This story reminds me of......?
It reminds me of something but I don't want to talk about it cause it hurts me.
I think this is a good/bad story for people my age because....?
I think this is a bad story because they're already talking about a relationship when the focus should be about school.
Monday, 31 July 2017
Formal Rules:
Cell phones
NO gum
Informal Rules:
Respect teachers
Do the work
Listen to teachers
Formal Rules:
Stop at red light
Yield at pedestrians
Use the pedestrian lane
Informal Rules:
Respect Authority
NO littering
NO smoking near Kids
Formal Rules:
Share food
Respect each other
NO fighting
Informal Rules:
Meet at the right time (Don't be late)
Formal Rules:
Have dinner at the table together
DO the house chores
DO your homework
Feed the Dog
Informal Rules
Respect your Parents
Respect your Siblings
Friday, 7 July 2017
What makes a good Jingle?
What is a Jingle?
-A short tune or song used in advertisement or commercial. Jingle contains one or more hooks to promote the product to customer.
What makes a good Jingle?
- A good jingle is short simple but catchy. If it can be understood by kids it means its a good jingle. It should also have a positive emotional appeal.
Thursday, 6 July 2017
Business and Enterprise Questions
Overall the event was pretty good but I was kinda mad because people are rude because only our fellow Filipino friends bought our products.
One thing I liked was we get a chance on what it feels to sell products because being a business owner can be a good making profit
One thing I disliked was having to drop our price to sell all of all our products because no one will buy it because they don't trust our race on making Graham balls and people promising to buy our products but never came back.
My product was correctly priced, I know this because we sold all of the products but we had to drop the price down by 50c.
Next year I think the organizers should at least let as buy some of our stuff on our own because Digestive Crackers is different to Graham Crackers
Monday, 3 July 2017
Business and Enterprise
Today we made our posters and finish our
design around our table to make ours look attractive.
design around our table to make ours look attractive.
Friday, 23 June 2017
Drama- Advertisement vid notes
Coca Cola Ad This ad is about a girl and a transgender fighting over to give the pool boy a drink.
Pepsi Ad This ad is about a Pepsi worker and a Coca-cola worker trying to be more creative.
KFC Ad This ad is about a guy who has the new KFC originals box and there is another guy asking if he want's to share it and what the guy with the KFC did he took a selfie of the box with him holding it and gave the picture to the other guy.
Qantas A380 Ad This ad is about the generation of the planes from being small to being a massive A380.
Nike-Possibilities This ad is about you can do anything and that anything is possible in life and in sports.
Adidas ad This ad is about "You don't have to be a certain race for a certain sport". You can play anything and that you should trust people
Kanye West Dream Conquer ad This ad is about you can conquer your dreams that anything is possible for everyone
Nike ad- Unlimited you This ad is about anyone can beat anything. Every single person with the right mindset can be the best in the world
Puma ad This ad is about a Puma boot that can help you do 5-star tricks with practice that you don't need to have the best brand to be the best
Drama analysis
Pepsi Ad This ad is about a Pepsi worker and a Coca-cola worker trying to be more creative.
KFC Ad This ad is about a guy who has the new KFC originals box and there is another guy asking if he want's to share it and what the guy with the KFC did he took a selfie of the box with him holding it and gave the picture to the other guy.
Qantas A380 Ad This ad is about the generation of the planes from being small to being a massive A380.
Nike-Possibilities This ad is about you can do anything and that anything is possible in life and in sports.
Adidas ad This ad is about "You don't have to be a certain race for a certain sport". You can play anything and that you should trust people
Kanye West Dream Conquer ad This ad is about you can conquer your dreams that anything is possible for everyone
Nike ad- Unlimited you This ad is about anyone can beat anything. Every single person with the right mindset can be the best in the world
Puma ad This ad is about a Puma boot that can help you do 5-star tricks with practice that you don't need to have the best brand to be the best
Drama analysis
Wednesday, 21 June 2017
Saturday, 17 June 2017
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
Advert- Kick starter pens

This pen is a high-precision crafted EDC (every day carry). It's so precise that you can't even see where the caps meet the barrel of the pen. Their's different styles of pens for sale. One of them is a light titanium use to build real spaceships. The pen tip and ink refill screw were made out of an alloy of bronze that is redder in colour than standard brass and you can also change it to titanium. There's also other different versions which are "The key chain version" and "The pocket version".
Math Questions
1. I mainly learned about how supply and demand work and how the two work together.
2. How does the demand affect the supply?
3. The new term that was introduced to me was commodity.
4. demand is "How many people are willing to buy the product". Supply is "How many stocks do they have.
2. How does the demand affect the supply?
3. The new term that was introduced to me was commodity.
4. demand is "How many people are willing to buy the product". Supply is "How many stocks do they have.
Friday, 2 June 2017
I saw facial expressions and people using different musical instrument's
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