My life in London was terrible. We were exposed to a lot of diseases, low wages, and poor housing quality. Our wages were so low we struggled to put food on the table. Our jobs were also really dangerous but we have no choice or else we won't survive. Our houses were really small. They were so small we barely have any windows. We had no running water and we had to reuse our bath water over and over again. Our house was hard to clean because the stains won't come out easily because we don't have enough water to clean it. We had to share toilets with our neighbors which are disgusting. The toilets aren't clean. The disease was also a big problem in London. Thypus, Thypoid, and cholera are the main diseases in London. These diseases spread fast because of the poor houses and the water because we only get the water from one tap.
My journey to NZ was alright. It wasn't the best but it wasn't that bad. My space was on the saloon deck which is below the poopdeck. It wasn't really comfortable but its better than a low ceilinged space under the main deck. The toilets were disgusting and smelly. It was only cleaned once a day. Only thing unenjoyable was when it was storming outside and it wasn't stable and this would get me seasick. The worst part is the food. It was low in nutrition and it didn't taste good
Arrival in NZ
When we arrive in NZ. I was astonished by the beauty on the land. Clear skies and fresh air and the birds chirping sounded like better opportunities calling. The people were so friendly. It felt like home but better opportunities and lifestyle. The best part is the water and the houses. The water was crystal clear and you didn't have to share the same tap to other people. The houses were beautiful not too big but not too small it was perfect, unlike London where you didn't have backyard space. I am now happy that I made the bold choice to move here. The future is much clearer in here and I think I'm going to start my family in here.
Friday, 24 August 2018
Persuasive Writing
“Thou shalt not kill.” Hunting animals for sports should be banned. This is because it's inhumane to kill with no reason, Animals are like humans they have a life to live and not meant to be killed, and also because it can make that certain animal extinct
Why would you kill without a good reason? You kill animals but you get mad at people who threaten your family? Then you feel depressed when someone kills your relatives yet you kill Animals? Animals share something in common with humans which is feelings. How do you think they’ll feel when you kill one of their own? Sad right. Then why do you do it?
Animals are creatures of their own they have a life to live, family to feed, and has to work hard just to do all of this. Yet here we are, 2018 people, killing animals. Animals aren’t meant to be killed. Killing animals is like killing a human being. Their families will be affected for the rest of their life. It’s either through depression or hard time surviving because the animal that you killed might be their protector or the one who gets food for them
Killing animals can make them extinct. This is because there are fewer animals means less mating and the result will be less offspring. Then you kill more animals and it's going to go lower. People say we have it under controlled and it's not going to go extinct but you can’t control everyone who hunts and kill for fun. They will keep doing this because it's their habit. I think killing animals can be compared to drugs. It’s addicting to some people and it’s hard to get off it and it can ruin lives.
These are my reasons why killing animals for sport should be banned. It's inhumane to kill animals for no reason, they aren’t meant to be killed, and it can make them go extinct. No wonder why we are starting to lose animals
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
Engineering Introduction to the lathe
Today we got introduced to the lathe. A lathe is a machine used to shape metal or other materials. How this work is your piece of material will go into the chuck and it will rotate while you push your cutting tool in to cut of materials. The main points that we talked about were turning down and facing off. Turning down is a form of cutting which is used to create rotational parts by cutting away. Faceoff is when you put your material on the chuck and the lathe cutting tool is used to level the ends. Wear safety glasses when you're using the lathe because the excess material you cut of can hit you in the eye
How to set up a Lathe

How to set up a Lathe
Thursday, 16 August 2018
Wind trolley
Wind Racers/ Land Racer:
Is to build a design that will travel the longest in distance.
- wooden plank
- cardboard
- tape
- paper
Research: Wind racer
Method: Tape a cardboard strip to the pole vertically, Tape a cardboard strip vertically on a paper also one on the top of the paper wrap tape around the whole thing so it stays still
brief design:
Thursday, 9 August 2018
My Simple Show- Migration
My Simple Show- Migration
We are now starting to look at Migration and why people move to another country. Please watch my video to know more about migration
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